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Robert Bates
Dean of Students
Karen Aldridge
ESOL Teacher
Parkside High School
Danielle Amey
Math Teacher
Parkside High School
Michael Ayers
Social Studies Teacher
Parkside High School
Amy Blevins
Art Teacher
Parkside High School
Ron Bose
Family & Consumer Sci. Teacher
Parkside High School
Demarcus Bowen
Custodian I
Parkside High School
Chad Boyle
History Teacher
Parkside High School
Brian Briggs
Parkside High School
Jim Bright
English Teacher
Parkside High School
Tiki Bright
Math Teacher
Parkside High School
Noah Brittingham
Assistant Coach
Parkside High School
Kyle Brown
Instructional Assistant I
Parkside High School
Barbara Brown
Instructional Assistant - SPED
Parkside High School
Jayne Buda
Administrative Assistant
Parkside High School
April Burchette
Food Service Manager III
Parkside High School
Sarah Burton
Orchestra Teacher
Parkside High School
David Byer
Physical Education Teacher
Parkside High School
Jen Campbell
Professional Development Coach
Parkside High School
Monica Cannon
Spanish Teacher
Parkside High School